
Clear View utilize a high access water fed pole system also known as Reach and Wash. The system supplied by Ionic is already the market leader.

What is a water fed pole?

Like many inventions the water fed pole is very simple in principle. A soft bristled brush is used to scrub dirt off the window, at the same time a jet of clean water rinses the glass. Because the water is left to dry on its own it needs to be very pure. This very simply idea is the principle on which all water fed poles work.
Glass and carbon fibre poles up to 65ft deliver pure water to the window. The water having already passed through a four stage purification system and held in a tank on the operatives vehicle. The supply tank is the modern equivalent of the window cleaners bucket!.

Because of the use of the pure water the surface will dry to a spotless, streak free finish!.

What are the benefits?

Better cleaning results
100% pure water made by the system produces cleaning results that are second to none. The absence of detergents means no residue is left, therefore windows do not soil as quickly and stay cleaner longer.

Simple and Safe

The advantages of using water fed poles over ladders are considerable. The safety benefits are pretty obvious as using the poles eliminates the dangers associated with working at height.


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